Exterior Painting
Being an expert in exterior house painting we know what it takes to deliver a top-quality finish to make your home look simply great for years. Our experienced house painters are professionally trained to handle all the projects with extreme care.
Interior Painting
Interior painting can be a heck of a task if it is not done Propertly. Call the experts at Unister Painting to get a flawless paint work for your interior and get a rich display of quality service from our side within an affordable cost.
House Repaint
If you are in the need of a reliable painting service provider in Melbourne to re-paint your house we are the perfect choice for the job. Our veteran team is quite expertised in dealing with house repainting services.
Color Consultants
Are you in need of an interior/exterior paint color consultant for your Melbourne house or business? Consider giving us a call here at Unistar Painting. Since 15 Years, we’ve satisfied clients throughout the city and Main Line and surrounding areas with expert paint consulting services, working with individuals
Commercial Painting
If you own a small business in Melbourne, you know the importance of a work space that’s professional and welcoming. Whether you want to impress a potential client, attract top talent to take your business to the next level, or draw in customers to your retail or restaurant business
Domestic Painting
Domestic painting is another special quality service of Unistar Painting, having many satisfied clients across Melbourne and its suburbs. Be it small or big, Unistar Painting brings the same professionalism and expertise to each of our customers.