During interior house painting, proper use of Paint Roller is one of the most important things to be watched out for. Improper use of the paint roller might not get you the desired paint experience or texture finish you were looking for. So here Unistar Painting presents 3 effective tips on paint roller usage.
Start From Upper Areas
Always start rolling from the upper part of the wall so that the paint drops ooze to the lower unpainted areas. Dip the roller about halfway into the paint & run it along the grid until the sleeve is nicely saturated.
Listened To The Wet Sound
Work in small areas of the room at a time and work on till the wet sound is heard. If the roller loses that moist sound, it’s time to load it up with more paint.
Paint With A Pattern
Paint a stripe up the wall, bottom to top. At the top, turn the roller sideways and then zigzag it back down. Repeat these steps across the length of the wall, with each new stripe overlapping a three-inch portion of the area already painted. This will ensure a nice pattern, without wasting excess paint.
Regards: www.unistarpainting.com.au